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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta stories. Mostrar todas las entradas

Cinderella (with subtitles) - Fairy tale

Cuento de hadas en inglés con subtítulos. Fairy tale: Cinderella (with subtitles)
Watch Cinderella with subtitles. Learn English through stories.
Great Video for your children or learn English.
Hope you like "Cinderella".
Truyện cổ tích tiếng Anh

Simple Jack (with subtitles) - Fairy tale

Fairy tale: Simple Jack.Learn English through stories.
Great Video for your children or learn English.
Hope you like "Simple Jack".

Hansel and Gretel - Fairy tale

Fairy tale: Hansel and Gretel
Watch The brave tin soldier with subtitles. Learn English through stories.
Great Video for your children or learn English.
Hope you like "Hansel and Gretel".

The Adventures of Peter Pan (with subtitles)

The Adventures of Peter Pan (with subtitles) Learn English through stories. Fairy tales for children with subtitles Great Stories for Chidlren. Animation videos for kids with subtitles

Fairy tale The elves and the shoemaker

Fairy tale: Hansel and Gretel Watch The brave tin soldier with subtitles. Learn English through stories. Great Video for your children or learn English. Hope you like it

Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast is a classic fairy tale, perfect for Story Time with Ms. Booksy! In Part One, Belle moves into the Beast's castle. Will Belle and the Beast become friends? Watch and see what happens in the Cool School animated masterpiece presentation of Beauty and the Beast!

Cool School is a place for kids to learn, laugh, and sing. Cool School features classic children's stories, nursery rhymes, lullabies, fun kids songs, educational music, arts and crafts, history, science, math and more!

The Tortoise and the Hare by Oxbridge Baby

We hope you enjoy this new version of The Tortoise and the Hare by Oxbridge Baby.

The Boy And The Wolf : Short Stories


It's Pancake Manor Story Time! Zach and Reggie tell the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.
Featuring Reb Stevenson as Goldilocks.

The Peacock's Complaint - A Story of Peacock

The story, 'Peacock's Complaint' is about the importance of being aware of your own attributes and cherishing them rather than envying the gifts of another. The peacock instead of acknowledging his beauty bemoans the lack of a talent that another bird possesses. What is the peacock complaining about? Find out the advice Juno gives the peacock on his selfish thoughts.

The Frogs and their Desired King Story - Aesop's fables

The story aptly demonstrates that it is better to have no one ruling over you than have a cruel ruler. The frogs requested Jupiter for a King to rule over them, but were unhappy when they realized that the ruler sent to them was mild and unimposing. Upon requesting for another King, the frogs' happy and carefree life turned into a nightmare. Who did Jupiter send and what did the new King do?
Watch the animation series of Aesops Tales - The frogs and their desired king.

The Bear and the Two Travellers- Aesop's fables

'The Bear and the Two Travellers' highlights the importance of true friendship. Friends are those who you can rely on for help in times of need and difficulty. A friend in need is a friend indeed.'El Oso y los Dos Premios Viajeros' pone de relieve la importancia de la amistad verdadera. Los amigos son en los que puedes confiar en su ayuda en tiempos de necesidad y dificultad. Un amigo en necesidad es un amigo de verdad.

The Fortuneteller - Aesop's fables

The fortuneteller tried to deceive the villagers by pretending to be the gifted wizard able to tell people's fortunes. But was in for a surprise when he was unable to read his own misfortune..El adivino trató de engañar a los habitantes del pueblo, haciéndose pasar por un mago capaz de adivinar el futuro de las personas. Pero fue una sorpresa cuando él era incapaz de leer su propia desgracia ..

The Talkative Bunting | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables |


[Bunting] : Ha ha ha. I'm the best talking bunting in the world. I get thorns in my mouth if I don't talk for just a day.
[Bunting] : Nobody can win an argument with me. La la la.
[Bunting] : La la la.
[All] : Ugh...
[Squirrel] : Oh! I can't stand it.
[Bunting] : La la la la.
[Hochi] : Ugh... Hey, Bunting! You talkative Bunting!
[Bunting] : Oh! Hi, Hochi! Ha ha ha. What brings you here? Did you come to hear me talk? I believed that my friends would come to hear me talk some day.
[Hochi] : Stop!
[Hochi] : You might talk because you like to, but we can't stand it. You're so loud. So please keep your mouth shut.
[Bunting] : Ugh... Mm...
[Hochi] : Are you going to continue babbling?
[Bunting] : Oh, no...
[Bunting] : Are you sore? La la la la.
[Raccoon] : Ugh...
[Tiger] : Hm... There's a fellow that is really conceited in these woods that I rule?
[Raccoon] : Yes, Hochi fainted.
[Hochi] : Stop~ Stop~ (Screaming)
[Tiger] : This is serious. Hm...
[Tiger] : Right! That's what we should do. Go to Bunting...
[Tiger] : Listen to me. So... Here! (Quietly)
[All] : (Whispering)
[Bunting] : La la la la. Huh? What should I do today? How about talking about the cartoon I saw yesterday. Ha ha ha ha. Just the thought of it is funny.
[Bunting] : Well... How...
[Raccoon] : Hee hee hee. (Laughter) It was great.
[Rabbit] : Yeah, Bunting couldn't even compare.
[Raccoon] : Yeah, if Bunting saw it, he would have been so embarrassed.
[Rabbit] : Ha ha ha. Yeah, right.
[Rabbit] : Huh? It's Bunting.
[Raccoon] : What? Where?
[Raccoon] : Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?
[Bunting] : Huh? What do you mean? I was here all along. Didn't you hear me talk?
[Rabbit] : Oh, well, I didn't hear you.
[Raccoon] : Me neither. I didn't hear Bunting very well. Compared to the prattler in the cave, Bunting has a voice like an ant.
[Bunting] : What? An ant's voice?
[Raccoon] : Yeah, an ant's voice. You would be surprised.
[Bunting] : What? Where is it? Tell me where it is. Where is it?
[Rabbit, Raccoon] : (Winking at each other)
[Raccoon] : You know that cave near the waterfall, there is a great prattler living in that cave. He has such a loud voice...
[Bunting] : Oh... Cave... (Flies off)

Young Captain Kiddo's Dream | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables

Lyrics Young Captain Kiddo's Dream

Once a summer night, it was very hot.

'What a beautiful island this is!' young Kiddo thought.

And the young captain Kiddo anchored his pirate ship off the tropical island.

'Ho, you scum of the Seven Seas,' he ordered to his men, 'put my chest in the longboat. We all go here this ashore.'

His crew lifted the big chest into the longboat. Then they rowed ashore. Soft, golden sand crunched beneath their sea boots as they pulled the boat up on the beach.

Sea Gulls circled overhead. Four lf the strongest pirates heaved the chest onto their shoulders while the Young Captain Kiddo read his map.

'Follow me up Dinosaur's Hill, and you swab the foot signs,' he growled.

On the hilltop the captain took out his compass and reed his position. 'This is it,' he roared. 'Aye, lads, this is the place old Captain Hook marked on his map.

Now down with the chest,' The captain's right hand pushed back his greatcoat.

Two loaded pistols gleamed in the strong sun. Slowly his hand drew out a great key. He unlocked the chest and threw open the lid.

Then he reached in and brought out muffins, hot cake, buttered toast and hot flasks of tea. "Help yourselves, my hearties,' the Young Captain Kiddo sang out . 'Old Captain Hook certainly knew the best spot for a nice cup of tea.'

The Japanese Apricot Tree | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables

Lyrics The Japanese Apricot Tree and the Bush Warbler

Long ago, there lived a man named Handong who made bowls of clay and sold them.
In a few days, Handong was to marry Gopbun who lived in the neighboring village.
He was happy and smiled every day.
But, Gopbun became sick.
Handong was so surprised, he nursed Gopbun every night.
But, Gopbun died.
Handong was so sad, he cried at Gopbun's grave every day.
One day, a Japanese Apricot tree began to grow by the grave.
"This has to be Gopbun's soul.."
Handong moved the tree to his yard and took care of it every day.
The tree grew with Handong's care.
Time passed and Handong became an old man.
"Oh, who will take care of this tree when I die."
Handong worried that the tree might die if he didn't take care of it.
Summer and fall passed and winter came.
Only the branches were left.
A warm spring day came.
The villagers could not see Handong and went to his house.
But nobody was at the house.
"Look, there is a bowl here."
The people gathered and carefully opened it.
There was a pretty bush warbler in the bowl.
Handong's soul had become a bush warbler.
The bush warbler went to the Japanese Apricot tree and whistled a song.
The villagers thought that Handong still cared for the tree and they took care of the tree for him.
Even now, there are many bush warblers near Japanese Apricot trees.
Now you know why

The Lion and The Elephant - Aesop's fables

Do not let small fears and worries ruin your life. Even the mighty like the lion and the elephant have their share of problems. Be thankful for what you have and learn to cherish the good in life.No te dejes que los pequeños miedos y preocupaciones arruinen tu vida. Incluso el poderoso como el león y el elefante tiene su cuota de problemas. Sé agradecido por lo que tienes y aprende a apreciar lo bueno de la vida.

The Fox and the Goat | Children's Tales, Stories and Fables |

Lyrics The Fox and the Goat

A fox fell in a well by mistake and was trying to figure out a way to get out.
"Oh, boy, how am I going to get out of here..."
Right then, he heard a goat's cry and a goat appeared.
"Fox, what are you doing there?"
The fox thought this was his chance.
"Oh, I came down here to drink water. This is the best tasting water in the world."
The goat was interested in the what the fox had to say.
"Is that true? Can I have some of that water?"
The fox encouraged the goat.
"Fine, I'll specially let you have some. Come down here."
The goat carefully went down the well. And deliciously drank the water.
"Wow, this water is really good. But how do we get back up?"
The fox answered as if he waited for this question.
"Don't worry. I have a good idea. Put your front legs against the wall and I'll go up climbing on your back. And then I'll pull you up from the top. Okay?"
"Yeah, that will work."
The goat listened to the fox and went toward the wall.
The fox climbed on the goat's back and went out of the well.
"Fox, it's my turn now. Pull me up."
The fox looked down into the well and told the goat.
"Ha ha, you stupid fool. How can I pull you up? The water in this well is the same as normal water. Thanks for helping me out of the well. Use your brain from now on."
The fox snickered at the goat and disappeared. The goat realized what he did and cried for help.
