Canciones infantiles en inglés y cuentos en inglés. La mejor selección de vídeos online con letra para aprender inglés ordenados en un índice. Página educativa diseñada para iPad, iPhone, dispositivos Android y tablets.
Érase unavez unniño llamadoJack.Vivía con sumadre.Elloseran muy pobres.Todo lo que teníanera una vaca.Una mañana,la madre de Jackle dijo a Jackllevar suvacaal mercado yvenderla.En el camino, Jackse encontró con unhombre.Élle dio a Jackunas judíasmágicas parala vaca.Jacktomó lasjudíasy se fuea casa.Cuandola madre de Jackvio lasjudíasseenfadómucho.Arrojólos granospor la ventana.A la mañanasiguiente, Jackmiró por laventana.Había unatallo de judíagigante.Salió yempezó asubir el tallo.Subióalcielo a través delas nubes.Jackvio unhermoso castillo.Élentró.Jack oyóuna voz."Fee,FI, FO, Fum!"Jackcorriódentro deun armario.Ungiganteenormeentró en la habitacióny se sentó.Sobre la mesahabía unagallina y unarpa de oro. "Lay", dijoel gigante.La gallinay el huevopuesto. Estaba hecho deoro. "Sing!"Dijo elgigante.El arpaempezó a cantar.Pronto elgigante se quedódormido.Jacksaltó delarmario.Él tomó lagallinay el arpa.De repente, elarpacantó: "Ayuda, maestro!" El gigantese despertóygritó: "Fee, FI, FO, Fum!" Jackcorrióy empezó abajar porel tallo. El gigantebajótras él.Jackgritó: "Mamá, ayúdame!" La madrede Jack tomó el hacha y cortóel talloderribándolo. El gigantecayó y seestrelló contra elsuelo.Nadie nuncalo volvió a ver. Con loshuevos de oro yelarpamágica, Jack y su madre vivieronfelices para siempre.
Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his mother. They were very poor. All they had was a cow. One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market and sell her. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for the cow. Jack took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very angry. She threw the beans out of the window. The next morning, Jack looked out of the window. There was a giant beanstalk. He went outside and started to climb the beanstalk. He climbed up to the sky through the clouds. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside. Jack heard a voice. “Fee, Fi,Fo,Fum!” Jack ran into a cupboard. An enormous giant came into the room and sat down. On the table there was a hen and a golden harp. “Lay!” said the giant. The hen laid and egg. It was made of gold. “Sing!” Said the giant. The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep. Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly, the harp sang, “Help, master!” The giant woke up and shouted, “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!” Jack ran and started climbing down the beanstalk. The giant came down after him. Jack shouted, “Mother, help!” Jack’s mother took and axe and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground. Nobody ever saw him again. With the golden eggs and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.