
DRAGON SONG ♫| Kids and Baby Songs | Pancake Manor

Created by Billy Reid & Reb Stevenson
More to come! Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for more of PANCAKE MANOR!
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I'm a knight, as you can see
I have a sword and shield on me
Look at my castle, it's made of stone
I live in England and it's my home

But somethings missing
What could it be
I could draw it. There we go
I'm a dragon
I'm a dragon, as you can see
I have wings and tail on me
Look at my mouth, I breathe fire
I burn castles and I never get tired.
But somethings missing
What could it be
I could draw it. There we go
A bucket of water
I'm a knight, as you can see
I have a bucket of water with me
Mr.dragon, leave me alone
I splash your fire and protect my home

Five Senses Song | Song for Kids | The Kiboomers


I have two eyes
So I can see,
And a nose to smell.
I have ten fingers
That can touch,
They do it very well!

I have two ears
So I can hear,
The birds up in the trees.
I have a tongue
Inside my mouth,
To taste the food I eat.

I have two eyes
So I can see,
And a nose to smell.
I have ten fingers
That can touch,
They do it very well!

I have two ears
So I can hear,
The birds up in the trees.
I have a tongue
Inside my mouth,
To taste the food I eat.

I have two eyes
So I can see,
And a nose to smell.
I have ten fingers
That can touch,
They do it very well!

I have two ears
So I can hear,
The birds up in the trees.
I have a tongue
Inside my mouth,
To taste the food I eat.

We're Going on a Bear Hunt Song | Song for Preschoolers | Song for Children | The Kiboomers


We're going on a bear hunt X2
I've got my binoculars X2
I'm not scared X2

Oh, Look at that tall wavy grass
It's so tall

Can't go over it X2
Can't go under it X2
Just going to have to go through it X2
swish swish swish

We're going on a bear hunt X2
I've got my binoculars X2
I'm not scared X2

Uh oh, there's a big river
Can't go over it X2
Can't go under it X2
Going to have to swim it X2
splash splash splash

We're going on a bear hunt X2
I've got my binoculars X2
I'm not scared X2

Ugh, look at all that mud
so muddy
Can't go over it X2
Can't go under it X2
Going to have to go through it
squish squish squish

We're going on a bear hunt X2
I've got my binoculars X2
I'm not scared X2

Uh oh, what's that
It's a cave
We can't go over it
We can't go under it
Going to have to go into it
step step step

We're going on a bear hunt X2
I've got my binoculars X2
I'm not scared
I'm a little scared

Sure is dark in here
What's that in the corner
I feel 2 big ears X 2
I feel 1 wet nose X 2
I feel 2 sharp teeth X2
I know what that is
It's a bear

Let's get out of here

Let's run out of the cave
step step step

Quickly back through the mud
squish squish squish

Let's cross the river
splash splash splash

Through the tall grass
swish swish swish

Through the yard, up the stairs, into the house, close the door

We're safe

That's a close one

Let's not go bear hunting anymore!
