The old farmer is dying and wants to teach his lazy sons a lesson. He wishes to instill in them the virtue of hard work and thus thinks of a clever idea for them to work on the farm without them actually thinking of it as work. Find out the ruse of the clever farmer on, 'The farmer and his sons.'
Canciones infantiles en inglés y cuentos en inglés. La mejor selección de vídeos online con letra para aprender inglés ordenados en un índice. Página educativa diseñada para iPad, iPhone, dispositivos Android y tablets.
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- Pancake Manor
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The Farmer and His Sons- Aesop's fables
The old farmer is dying and wants to teach his lazy sons a lesson. He wishes to instill in them the virtue of hard work and thus thinks of a clever idea for them to work on the farm without them actually thinking of it as work. Find out the ruse of the clever farmer on, 'The farmer and his sons.'