What often seems absurd to some may seem the height of wisdom to another. The wise old swallow had warned the other birds of a rising evil and how necessary it was to destroy it. But the words were ignored and the birds later suffered the consequences of their folly. What is the evil and what advice did the swallow give the other birds? Find our more...
Canciones infantiles en inglés y cuentos en inglés. La mejor selección de vídeos online con letra para aprender inglés ordenados en un índice. Página educativa diseñada para iPad, iPhone, dispositivos Android y tablets.
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The Swallow and the birds - Aesop's Fables
What often seems absurd to some may seem the height of wisdom to another. The wise old swallow had warned the other birds of a rising evil and how necessary it was to destroy it. But the words were ignored and the birds later suffered the consequences of their folly. What is the evil and what advice did the swallow give the other birds? Find our more...