It pays to be smart. The old and sick lion manages to outwit all the animals, but he is no match for the fox's cunning and wisdom. Clever detective work from the fox helps to save his life from the jaws of death. Find out more on 'The fox and the sick lion.'
Canciones infantiles en inglés y cuentos en inglés. La mejor selección de vídeos online con letra para aprender inglés ordenados en un índice. Página educativa diseñada para iPad, iPhone, dispositivos Android y tablets.
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The Fox and the Sick Lion - Aesop's Fables
It pays to be smart. The old and sick lion manages to outwit all the animals, but he is no match for the fox's cunning and wisdom. Clever detective work from the fox helps to save his life from the jaws of death. Find out more on 'The fox and the sick lion.'