Let's go trick-or-treating with this super simple Halloween song! Witches and ghosts. Cowboys, pirates, and monsters! Use this song to introduce trick-or-treating and the names of popular Halloween costumes to young learners in a warm and friendly way. It's great for Halloween parties!
Hello, my friends.I'm so happy
to see you.
Hello, my friends.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Witches and ghosts.
Cowboys, pirates, and monsters.
Spiders and bats.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Hello, my friends.
I'm so happy to see you.
Hello, my friends.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Let's go trick-or-treating.
Song: Hello, My Friends
CD: Super Simple Songs - Halloween
Music: Super Simple Learning
Vocals: Josh Lomonaco and Shelly Lomonaco