
What's in the Sky? The Sky Song for Children | Original Kidscamp Song

Is that a Plane? Superman? What's in the Sky!? Find out with Elly and sing along the beautiful Song What's in the Sky?
Children will LOVE watching the beautiful Sun, Rainbow, Cloud, Star, Moon!!! Welcome to the Magical and Awesome world of Elly at Kidscamp!

Sing along with your Children -


What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?
What beams at me up there so high?

Who tells me it’s a brand new day,
So I can play and have Fun!

Oh yes I know that is the Sun!

What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?
What thunders up there so high?

What pours down to the city,
What’s grey, when it’s raining loud!

Oh yes I know that is a Cloud!

What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?
What are those colors passing by?

They are seven, bending like a bow,
Beautiful standing in one row!

Oh yes I know, that is a Rainbow!

What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?
What twinkles up there so high?

What sparkles so bright and sharp,
What gleams up there so far?

Oh Yes I know that is a Star!

What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?

That white pearl shining up high,
What tells me it’s past bedtime,,
And I have to sleep soon!

Oh yes I know that is the Moon!

What’s in the Sky?
What’s in the Sky?