
Vegetables Song for Kids | Simple Song for Children Learning English

I wrote this simple song to sing with kids in kindergarten where I teach English. You can use the song as well during your English lessons when you teach vegetables in summer or fall and of course for harvest time and Thanksgiving Day.
Here are lyrics of the song:


To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.
To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.

In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.

It's a carrot, it's a carrot
Growing in the ground.
It's a carrot, it's a carrot
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many carrots for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many carrots for you and me.

It's a beet, it's a beet
Growing in the ground.
It's a beet, it's a beet
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many beets for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many beets for you and me.

It's a potato, it's a potato
Growing in the ground.
It's a potato, it's a potato
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many potatoes for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many potatoes for you and me.

It's an onion, it's an onion
Growing in the ground.
It's an onion, it's an onion
Growing in the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many onions for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many onions for you and me.
It's a cabbage, it's a cabbage
Growing on the ground.
It's a cabbage, it's a cabbage
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many cabbages for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many cabbages for you and me.

It's a tomato, it's a tomato
Growing on the ground.
It's a tomato, it's a tomato
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many tomatoes for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many tomatoes for you and me.

It's a cucumber, it's a cucumber
Growing on the ground.
It's a cucumber, it's a cucumber
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many cucumbers for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many cucumbers for you and me.

It's a pumpkin, it's a pumpkin
Growing on the ground.
It's a pumpkin, it's a pumpkin
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many pumpkins for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many pumpkins for you and me.

It's an eggplant cucumber, it's an eggplant
Growing on the ground.
It's an eggplant, it's an eggplant
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many eggplants for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many eggplants for you and me.

It's a pepper, it's a pepper
Growing on the ground.
It's a pepper, it's a pepper
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many peppers for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many peppers for you and me.

It's a corn, it's a corn
Growing on the ground.
It's a corn, it's a corn
Growing on the ground.

In the garden you will see
Many corns for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many corns for you and me.

To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.
To the garden, to the garden,
We are walking now.

In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me.
In the garden you will see
Many veggies for you and me. 

Letra en español:

Para el jardín, al jardín,Estamos caminando ahora.Para el jardín, al jardín,Estamos caminando ahora.En el jardín se veráMuchas verduras para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas verduras para usted y para mí.Es una zanahoria, es una zanahoriaCreciente en el suelo.Es una zanahoria, es una zanahoriaCreciente en el suelo.En el jardín se veráMuchas zanahorias para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas zanahorias para usted y para mí.Es una remolacha, es una remolachaCreciente en el suelo.Es una remolacha, es una remolachaCreciente en el suelo.En el jardín se veráMuchos remolacha para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos remolacha para usted y para mí.Es una papa, es una patataCreciente en el suelo.Es una papa, es una patataCreciente en el suelo.En el jardín se veráMuchas patatas para ti y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas patatas para ti y para mí.Es una cebolla, es una cebollaCreciente en el suelo.Es una cebolla, es una cebollaCreciente en el suelo.En el jardín se veráMuchos cebollas para ti y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos cebollas para ti y para mí.Es una col, es una colCreciente en tierra.Es una col, es una colCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchos repollos para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos repollos para usted y para mí.Es un tomate, que es un tomateCreciente en tierra.Es un tomate, que es un tomateCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchos tomates para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos tomates para usted y para mí.Es un pepino, que es un pepinoCreciente en tierra.Es un pepino, que es un pepinoCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchos pepinos para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos pepinos para usted y para mí.Es una calabaza, que es una calabazaCreciente en tierra.Es una calabaza, que es una calabazaCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchas calabazas para ti y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas calabazas para ti y para mí.Es un pepino berenjena, es una berenjenaCreciente en tierra.Es una berenjena, es una berenjenaCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchas berenjenas para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas berenjenas para usted y para mí.Es un pimiento, es un pimientoCreciente en tierra.Es un pimiento, es un pimientoCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchos pimientos para ti y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos pimientos para ti y para mí.Es un maíz, que es un maízCreciente en tierra.Es un maíz, que es un maízCreciente en tierra.En el jardín se veráMuchos granos para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchos granos para usted y para mí.Para el jardín, al jardín,Estamos caminando ahora.Para el jardín, al jardín,Estamos caminando ahora.En el jardín se veráMuchas verduras para usted y para mí.En el jardín se veráMuchas verduras para usted y para mí.