
FIVE LITTLE TURKEYS - Thanksgiving Songs for Children -

Young children enjoy familiar "to the tune of" melodies because they are simple, FUN and easy to learn. Autumn songs, rhymes and fingerplays are a great way to musically enhance your entire curriculum and can be included throughout your day from morning meeting to circle time. 


Five little turkeys standing in a row. (Hold up 5 fingers)
First little turkey said, "I don't want to grow." (Hold up 1 finger)
Second little turkey said, "Why'd you say that?" (Hold up 2 fingers)
Third little turkey said, "I want to get fat." (Hold up 3 fingers)
Fourth little turkey said, "Thanksgiving's near." (Hold up 4 fingers)
Fifth little turkey said, "Yes, that's what I hear." (Hold up 5 fingers)
Then the five little turkeys that were standing in a row,
All said together, "Come on, let's go!" (Move fingers like they're
running away)

Repeat faster! Repeat even faster!

Letra en español:

Cinco pavos pequeños de pie en una fila. (Levante 5 dedos)
Pavo pequeño primer lugar, dijo, "Yo no quiero crecer". (Muestre un dedo)
Pavo pequeño Segundo dijo: "¿Por qué dices eso?" (Levante 2 dedos)
Pavo poco tercero dijo: "Quiero engordar". (Levante 3 dedos)
Pavo pequeño cuarto lugar, dijo, "cerca de Acción de Gracias". (Levante 4 dedos)
Quinto poco pavo dijo: "Sí, eso es lo que he oído." (Levante 5 dedos)
Entonces los cinco pavos pequeños que estaban de pie en una fila,
Dicho todo junto, "Vamos, vamos!" (Mueva los dedos como si fueran

Repita el más rápido! Repita aún más rápido!